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Prayer Requests
Prayer Requests
7/1/01 - Praise God! There are not enough words
to thank Him for this opprotunity. it seems
there are so many things needed to fulfill this
duty. As far as immidiate requests, we need more
people willing to make the commitment to join us
in this quest.
As for personal requests for me, pray that God
will show me some direction in all this. It may seem
strange that someone that knows nothing about kayaking
is starting an organization based on it but I really
feel God leading me towards this. Pray that I will
be able to work in learning how to kayak, how to
conduct myself towards other people, and how to
trust God through it all.
Pray for our government officials, our families,
our pastors, and friends. Pray that they as well
will be able to put full faith in God and make
the right decisions to glorify Him.
If you have a request...
Please e-mail evkaou@hotmail.com
and in the subject put Request. Please include
as many details as possible & your name as you
would like it displayed on the site. If you do not
want it to be listed on the site please specify that
as well. Praises are welcome too! |